Thursday, December 18, 2008

well, that and my thesis work....

So a while back (I’m talking, like, September) Jon and I picked our wedding location. Instantly, Jon wanted to write about it in this blog, being the good communicator that he is. I, on the other hand, wanted to draw out the suspense for people reading the blog, and make the announcement all flashy. To be honest with you, dear reader, I was in semi-audition for my once favorite blog, At this site a group of bloggers talks through their wedding process; from choosing linens and centerpieces to the details of their relationship. This community seemed to be full of strong females (and some times males!) wanting a place to talk about weddings with other wedding-obsessed brides and grooms. Here was my chance to finally talk about my wedding, at length, and not have people roll their eyes, or get bored! Sure, it’s frivolous and a bit shallow to get all excited about one day, but the day has so much meaning and worth, why not celebrate it, and put some effort into projects that make that day a little more personal and special?

A potential project I am considering...
courtesy of

Around the same time as my last post, however, I found out that the woman who had started the site, who calls herself “Mrs. Bee” was selling the website. To A long, long discussion ensued online. Accusations were thrown about not being fair to the GBLT community, insults were had, and lets just say, it was a real discussion about serious issues. A lot of the current and past bloggers left the community. The result? I was really turned off by a large majority of people in the community, and started reading other blogs and entertaining other ideas. And kinda turned my back on this one.

Bummer. So I apologize; I’m the reason the blog got held up. But no more! Now that wedding STD’s are flying around, its time to begin again! I have the added joy of knowing that a few of you may be friends and family that were directed here by our website. From now on, I promise to try and give you, the reader, better insight into Jon and I and the life we lead, in addition to the gigantic, awesome party we are planning for August. That way if you are trying to catch up on either front before you see us again, it will be worth your while to read this blog. I’ll start by trying to wrap up my discussion of the other potential wedding sites we visited, staring tomorrow :-)

Lets be buddies again, yes?


Christiana said...

Have you thought about applying for bridal buds with wedding wire? Or the UnBride?

Also, I did more research and found that eHarmony's connections really only exist pre-2005, though, my source is a USA today I suppose you can never be too sure

Good Luck with your thesis!!!

J said...

so, what's wrong with THIS blog? Who cares if you write about weddings?? it's YOUR blog. It's also about your LIFE and the wedding IS your life right now. And given that you haven't updated this blog all that much... Just sayin'... Ya know?... Anyway, I am glad we will get some updates without having to go to yet another sight which will undoubtedly be all sugar and roses and smelly perfume-ish. Ahem. If I do say so myself...

Christiana said...

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend. I merely thought that the blogger/author was looking for a more public site with a larger audience with which to share her ideas/inspiration.

I didn't mean to infer that there was anything wrong with her blog - clearly I am a fan.